Spelthorne Borough Council     

Services Committees Forward Plan and Key Decisions


This Forward Plan sets out the decisions which the Service Committees expect to take over the forthcoming months, and identifies those which are Key Decisions.


A Key Decision is a decision to be taken by the Service Committee, which is either likely to result in significant expenditure or savings or to have significant effects on those living or working in an area comprising two or more wards in the Borough.


Please direct any enquiries about this Plan to CommitteeServices@spelthorne.gov.uk.

Spelthorne Borough Council


Service Committees Forward Plan and Key Decisions for 1 October 2024 to 31 January 2025


Anticipated earliest (or next) date of decision and decision maker

Matter for consideration

Key or non-Key Decision

Decision to be taken in Public or Private

Lead Officer


Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 15 10 2024


Change to Treasury Management Strategy – Proposed Draw Down of Pooled Funds

Non-Key Decision




Prithiva Janaka, Treasury Management and Capital Accountant, Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 15 10 2024


Spelthorne Financial Services Partnership

Non-Key Decision




Terry Collier, Deputy Chief Executive, Karen Limmer, Interim Monitoring Officer



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 15 10 2024


2023-24 Reserves Outturn Report

Non-Key Decision




Paul Taylor, Chief Accountant



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 15 10 2024


Reflections Water Feature

Key Decision




Jackie Taylor, Group Head - Neighbourhood Services



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 15 10 2024


Procurement of a New Website

Key Decision




Jennifer Medcraff, Head of Communications and Customer Experience



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 15 10 2024


Corporate Risk Management

Non-Key Decision




Lee O'Neil, Deputy Chief Executive



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 24 09 2024

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 15 10 2024


Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy 2024-2028

Non-Key Decision




Lisa Stonehouse, Community Development Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 15 10 2024


Key Performance Indicators 2023/24

Key Decision




Sandy Muirhead, Group Head - Commissioning and Transformation



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 09 12 2024


Fees & Charges

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 09 12 2024


Action Tracker Update

Non-Key Decision




Lee O'Neil, Deputy Chief Executive



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 09 12 2024

Audit Committee 28 01 2025


2023-24 Audited Accounts for KGE

Key Decision




Paul Taylor, Chief Accountant



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 09 12 2024


Leisure Centre Rate Relief Application

Key Decision




Sandy Muirhead, Group Head - Commissioning and Transformation



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 09 12 2024


Growth Bids, Capital Bids & Savings Plan

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 09 12 2024


Appointment of Charity Trustees - Staines Parochial Charity

Non-Key Decision




Karen Wyeth, Democratic Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 09 12 2024


Appointment of Charity Trustees - Laleham Charities - Hodgson & Reeve

Non-Key Decision




Karen Wyeth, Democratic Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 09 12 2024


Reserves Strategy

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 09 12 2024


Houses in Multiple Occupation

Key Decision




Esme Spinks, Planning Development Manager



Council 12 12 2024


Determination of 2025/26 Council Tax Base for Tax Setting

Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Council 12 12 2024


Calendar of Meetings 2025 - 2026

Non-Key Decision




Matthew Williams, Democratic Services Officer



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 09 12 2024


Budget Report

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 20 01 2025


Interest Income

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 20 01 2025


Investments, Regeneration & Municipal Portfolios

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 20 01 2025


Discretionary Rate Relief Policy

Key Decision

It is significant in terms of its effect on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards






Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 20 01 2025


Government Funding

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 20 01 2025


Movement on Reserves (Including Sinking Fund)

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 20 01 2025


Houses of Multiple Occupancy Update

Key Decision




Esme Spinks, Planning Development Manager, Tracey Willmott-French, Senior Environmental Health Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 10 02 2025



Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 10 02 2025


Capital Programme

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 10 02 2025


Detailed Budget TMS

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 02 12 2024


Growth Bids, Capital Bids & Savings Plan

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 02 12 2024


Budget Report

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 02 12 2024


Fees & Charges

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager





Environment and Sustainability Committee 03 12 2024


Growth Bids, Capital Bids & Savings Plan

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Environment and Sustainability Committee 03 12 2024


Budget Report

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Environment and Sustainability Committee 03 12 2024


Fees & Charges

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager


